Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm coming I promise!

Yeah!!!   The holidays are over and I can finally get back to life - as it happens - um, every day.  That means that there will be more "new and exciting" installments of the Minutiae Report that you can enjoy...and I can enjoy writing.  I will get to it as soon as I finish cleaning the garage, putting laminate flooring in, helping potty train, starting MBA classes again at Regis, refreshing our 2009 budget, preparing a "menrichment" budget training for 40 guys, working, working, and working...oh and I have to go to bed because my wife is calling me - I've been down in the "man cave" long enough.  Really honey, I'm coming...I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Liar liar pants on fire. . . ;)

    J/k - school has started again, so I tend to lose touch with anyone not in my immediate, regular contact circle (i.e. school, work, or ward)

    Hope you guys are doing well!

